[email protected] | +1-414-530-1925 | INSTAGRAM @HEATHERNILLYOGA

The Revolutionary Breathwork + Sound Experience



Masterfully Crafted Sound and Breathwork Experiences

that Facilitate Life-Changing Transformation

Where Everything is Possible

The Deeper You Go...

...The Higher You Fly

When I was introduced to the massive healing, transformation and clarity that I achieve through powerful breathwork, I knew it was the "X" factor that every human needs. There is breathwork, and then there is 9D breathwork that cannot be duplicated anywhere else.

Professionally crafted and intended to create deep inner work of the subconscious mind - it's a fully loaded two-hour experience that can heal years of programming.

When I saw 9D, it was an immediate, Full YES for me. As a licensed facilitator and guide for 9D Breathwork Experiences, I can guide you through a variety of journeys depending on your needs or desired outcomes - below is a small sample.

  • Overcoming Self-Sabotaging Behaviors

  • Abundance

  • Addiction

  • Anxiety/Depression

  • General Health, Well being

  • Letting Go & Moving On​Sessions are facilitated in-person or virtual on zoom, with individual sessions or in small groups.

Intro Session Private: $29

Packages available, starting at $59 per session.

Copyright 2024

Heather Nill

SLAY Yoga + Retreats LLC



[email protected]

Cedarburg, WI

Classes & Private Sessions

Santa Teresa, CR

Representing Two Luxurious Retreat Spaces

House of Shakti/The Sanctuary or Sunrise Mountain

Costa Rica Travel Partner - TICO Trips