[email protected] | +1-414-530-1925 | INSTAGRAM @HEATHERNILLYOGA

Go All In

11-Week SLAY Mindset Mentorship

Work with me to Shed the Past, Meet Your Soul & Find Your Fullest Potential.

Where Everything is Possible

11-Week SLAY Mindset Mentorship

Let Go & Let's Go


Customized program created for you through the infinite wisdom of your mind + body + breath with ancient techniques and modern strategies.

It's time to Tune In. Turn On. Ignite.​

Discovery Call: The Connection - we will quickly uncover and discover your goals and a way forward. Whether it's personal, career or anything in between - there is a way through. ​

Month 1: Awareness & Release. Meet weekly through virtual calls where I will share, teach and awaken the teacher you have within you. This is the beginning of the detoxification process in shedding old skin, old stories and dead weight.​

Month 2: Expansion Bi-Weekly virtual calls designed to help nurture you in your new skin - tender, curious and still developing the vision, the mindset and the bright horizon that lights the way.​

Month 3: Freedom in New Beginnings. In 90 days, you'll have found a new vibration after a co-creation in the life that was waiting for you to take that first step. We will reflect on how far you've come and ways to continue to sustain the creation of YOU.

Self-Care Investment: $1,111

*Payment Plans Available

It's time to meet your FULL POTENTIAL.

No more hiding. No more playing small.

Say good-bye to your fears.

There's more to this life. You can feel it. There's a part of you that is ready but maybe a little afraid of what's next?

Change can be a scary thing. Facing your past can create anxiety like no other. Your dreams of a different life might feel out of reach... don't worry - ​I've got you.

Through my own experience of massive transformational shifts, healing decades of trauma which lead to paralyzing anxiety and stints of depression...

I know two things:​ You need a mentor to guide you to the journey in, and you need a sustainable connection to set yourself free.

Copyright 2024

Heather Nill

SLAY Yoga + Retreats LLC



[email protected]

Cedarburg, WI

Classes & Private Sessions

Santa Teresa, CR

Representing Two Luxurious Retreat Spaces

House of Shakti/The Sanctuary or Sunrise Mountain

Costa Rica Travel Partner - TICO Trips