[email protected] | +1-414-530-1925 | INSTAGRAM @HEATHERNILLYOGA

The Journey Doesn't Stop... Neither doI

Certifications & Styles of Yoga

Sensitive is my heart.

Strong is my mind.

But my soul...

That bitch is damn fire

& you can't burn

What's already lit.

Where Everything is Possible

Empathy Is My Superpower

It is vitally important to work with an experienced facilitator to guide you through safety in your body, but also safety with your emotional being.

As a sensitive soul, my life's experience gives me the innate ability to "read the room" and hold space for you no matter where you are on your journey.

Dark night of the soul? I've been there... and I will guide you back to your light. Feeling the earth shake underneath you? Give me your hand and we will walk together. Desiring a new beginning - career/business/finance, relationships, a new you?

I've shed so many different skins, transformation is exciting with someone who gets it.

Are you worried about your health? I've conquered life changing diagnoses and understand what it's like to live in that fear of the unknown. Are you experiencing loss or trauma? PTSD and anxiety once crippled me - now I fly. ​Maybe you want weight loss, or improved sleep, or want to be more productive?

Let me show you how doing less helps you achieve more.

​it's time to light your soul on fire.

When The Student Is Ready...

...The Teacher Appears

One certification wasn't enough. I saw myself transform, feel inspired, heal. I followed the calling from the Universe to keep going. With practices thousands of years old, there is so much to explore.

I wanted to be sure I was ready to lead, not just teach. I wanted to be able to offer a full spectrum of modalities because everyone's needs are unique.

Certifications & Study

  • 500 Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training.

  • Tantra Yoga Teacher Certification.

  • Yoga Life Coach Certification.

  • Yin & Restorative Yoga.

  • Yoga for Kids.

  • Yoga for Depression/Anxiety/PTSD.

  • Yoga as Medicine - Healing the Body.

  • Breathwork Facilitator Certification - Level 1.

  • 9D Breathwork Facilitator - BreathMasters.

  • Reiki Master Teacher.

  • Prenatal/Pregnancy Yoga.

Join The List


Copyright 2024

Heather Nill

SLAY Yoga + Retreats LLC



[email protected]

Cedarburg, WI

Classes & Private Sessions

Santa Teresa, CR

Representing Two Luxurious Retreat Spaces

House of Shakti/The Sanctuary or Sunrise Mountain

Costa Rica Travel Partner - TICO Trips